Change of use of 14 industrial areas

Change of use of the 14 government industrial areas in order to allow the installation of units dealing with the production, transmission and distribution of electricity and natural gas

The change of use of the 14 government industrial areas was put under the microscope by the Parliamentary Committee on Energy, Trade, Industry and Tourism, in order to allow the installation of units dealing with the production, transmission and distribution of electricity and natural gas.

In particular, regulations for the differentiation of permitted uses of government industrial areas were put before the Commission yesterday.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry, which is responsible for the operation and management of the 14 government industrial zones, said the regulations are intended to more effectively and rationally manage the institution of industrial zones.

He noted that the purpose of the proposed amending regulations of the "Republic Property Property (Lease of Property of the Republic within Government Industrial Areas) Regulations 1990 to 2017", is to diversify the permitted uses, so that they meet today's needs and become it is possible to make the best use of it, but also of the existing licensing procedures for industrial premises for purposes of simplification.

Specifically, the amendments concern:

-Expansion of permitted uses in government industrial areas to allow the installation of units engaged in the production, transmission and distribution of electricity and natural gas.

It is noted that in the long-term planning of the government is the installation of the natural gas liquefaction station in the Vassilikos industrial area.

-Formulation of the definition of "storage" to include only the storage of industrial products and materials intended for the purposes of processing or wholesale sale.

-Exclusion of "playgrounds" from the public services of the single service centers within the industrial areas.

-Exemption from the permitted uses within the industrial areas of units engaged in "maintenance and repair of machinery and motor vehicles".

-Differentiation of the existing process of promoting the architectural plans to the competent authorities for the issuance of the building permit through the ministry.

Objections to playgrounds

During the discussion of the amending regulations, MPs raised objections regarding the provision for the exclusion of "playgrounds" from the community services of single service centers within industrial areas.

He also strongly questioned the limitation in storage, where the regulations provide for the storage of only industrial products and materials, but also the relocation to other areas of mechanics and workshops.

The committee asked the ministry to proceed with further dialogue with the agencies involved, in order to come back after Easter with a revised text that will cover the weaknesses presented.

On behalf of the ministry, it was stated that the proposed regulations were put to public consultation and sent for opinions to all interested parties, specifically, to the business organizations KEBE and OEB, as well as to other government agencies without finding any objection.

The Parliament requests further consultation

The chairman of the Committee, DISY MP Kyriakos Hatzigiannis, in statements after the session, said that the government has submitted a proposal that essentially makes possible the installation of industrial energy production units in some industrial areas.

He added that the matter will be examined again in the next session and a statement will be made by the parties and the deputies to be taken to the Plenary for approval or rejection.



5 April 2023